A Glass Of Wine and 69

Tease me Please me
give me a some wine
for the sake of all others
lets 69 let them watch let
them taste for that will
be the pleasure of alls
For the taste of wine
would only tease me
giving me the smell and
the taste of that sweet
aroma of the sweet 69
69 is a sweet sensation
the feel the touch beyond
your imagination so when
you feel the wetness just
begin its just me pouring
the wine to begin.
Why Now ?

The train was on its way north and with a
nonstop path no one on the train just she
and I as I sat beside her she told me
her past not a very good one I may say
at that. Although she was very nice.
She whispered they are out to get me
as she glared around not a soul in site
she began to grip on to me very hard as
tears of blood dripped from her face. I
began to show fear as this woman began
to raise her hands. Dear I came for you
for you are my son. she takes me in
her arms. You are my son that survived the
wreck 7 years ago and I just had to
see you for one last time for your the only
one who knows I am here. and I just had to
tell you I loved you. before we both
left this world one more time.
As the train started to shake and the lights
went on and off he held her tightly in his arms
and whispered I love you mommy.
The Color of Red

The fire in my eye the knife
between my fingers the red
upon my lips shows the evil
within my fears to show
the love I feel for you
For the fire in my eyes
is for the love I have seen
walk away and fall apart
a million times
For the knife is for the
person who keeps ripping
my heart out no matter
what I choose to do for
them the blood dripping
from the knife is the tears
just falling all over again
For the red on my lips is
how many times I have
kissed someone and they told me
they loved me even after they turned
around and slept with the girl
next door
For all of this I wipe all the red
off my face and once again
I try to love once again

She sat there so pretty so elegant.
My lips watered as I glanced over at her.
As I walked toward her she didn't move
Although I knew where I wanted her
Right between my lips I slid
two fingers between her and slid her
up slightly to my tongue softly touched
my lips slightly bit down yet her juices
filled my mouth mmm
Would you like a bite of my Cherry?

Sometimes I laugh
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I bawl like a little baby
can anyone tell me why?
Sometimes I walk
Sometimes I jog
Sometimes I run my ass off
But nobody knows why.
Sometimes I care
Sometimes I share
Sometimes I love although
I still don't know why?
Although my life is always
Going on a sometimes basis
I still wounder sometimes why I am still here.
Its cuz I have friends like you.
A Night Out

The flowers were blooming the sky was blue I was looking forward to going out with you. As the sun went down my spirit uplifted, with a glow and brightness upon my face.
The doorbell rang it was you as I opened it with a smile and with grace. You looked so great as I kissed your sweet lips so perfectly in place. Your eyes so delicate green when looking into them made me cream. When I said I was looking forward to seeing you although I thought I was going to see all of you.
Take A Step Back

Sometimes I wounder how I pick my friends. Do they come to me for a reason. Such as teaching me things? I take a step back and look around myself and see who is my friends. I wounder who are the fake ones, who are the users, or who are the ones that are honestly my friend. You learn alot in this world from seeing what friends do to you good and bad. Not only alot of pain comes from so called friends and family using you and abusing you in ways that you don't see then thats when you realize it. You take the step back and don't realize what to do. Till you lose that friend all the way but maybe its better to lose a friend that will betray you then be honest and true. Friends come and go but your ability to withhold your own confidence and who you are is with in you so take the step back and see who you really want as your friends AND WHO YOU REALLY ARE THE USER OR A FRIEND... ?????
Pain Of One

I sit here all alone pondering on the things that are on my mind wondering
if things are ever going to be. People sit and judge people for the things that
they were raised for in life, for the color of their skin, their sexuality, or their handicap. As I sit here I try to think how others think although in my heart I just can't feel that low. wondering if this world would ever fix the pain of others. Tears become anger. anger becomes fear we all see the pain within ones eyes as we grasp the heartache from ones face we try to comfort them in ones arm but then again its the one that judges that walks away trying to figure his own pain. Sadly hes all alone none to judge but himself as he walks toward the crowd wanting that comfort he was once offered to fulfill his pain inside.
So Amazing

The view was so numbing so amazing but yet so puzzling
your eyes never wanted to blink your body never wanted to
move. Things was happening to you inside from head to toe
you have only felt while making love. your mind was wondering
your heart was pounding, your legs was shivering, and yet you just
wanted to get closer but couldn't do to the bitch was in front of your
tv the whole time.....Shit might as well go to bed!!!

As she looked into his eyes she seen the fear within the love he
gave to her. She leaned in kissed his soft lips to let him
know it was ok to show how he felt although his palms
were damp his legs were shivering he whispered my love
you are my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate, I
need you to know deep inside what you do to me
you make my heart pound when your around me.
I am lost when your not with me. When your hurt I
am hurt. When your lost inside I am looking for your
soul. As tear ran down her face he began to wipe them
and softly kissed her and held her in his arms and she
whispered back hun I love you so much. I give you my
heart and soul. I will show you as much love as long as
there is communication and honesty and faith between the
two of us and we will always have each other.. that is what
love comes from
A Childs Eyes

The world looks so bright so big in those bright big brown eyes.
What is a child to do when reaching for their first touch.
The feel of their mother or father skin against the baby's. As the baby's
eyes gets huge wondering what it was. Knowing it was comforting as
they grow the touch and trust grows stronger between each of them.
Soon in the threes and fours shows you the way how they want things
and don't. Want spitting things out at you throwing toys messing up
the walls and to this child thinks in his eyes its all innocent. Then comes
the age where they come to talking and comforting you when
things are bad and then you comfort them when things are hurting them
in their eyes your hurting when your crying but when they are crying to
you they are in pain and someone hurt them and you want to comfort
them in many ways kids show their pain by hugs, kisses, mommy , daddy
you ok , the pain don't go away in their eyes. Then comes the teens if
they come to you in trust and faith that to me in my eyes shows they
trust you. And you showed them you always paid attention to what
they was saying and you always looked in the eyes of the child no matter
what their pain or happiness was and that proves you was a good parent ..
so remember look into the child's eyes can you see their pain or happiness?
So Far Away

Her voice was so soft as she sung sweet nothings.
Although it was so hard to over look the beauty within the dreams.
It was like looking through a broken glass. Her eyes full of tears
her heart full of love. The sadness between the two of us just passed through
the wind. How long was I to wait for this pain to go away. I will miss you.
my mind will wounder, my heart will sorrow, my love will grow, although your
only a heartbeat away my thoughts will be with you. please never forget
you are my true sweetheart and I will be with you in this journey you take with you today.
The Night Falls

As the stars are sparkling it brings a brightness upon your face. I see the happiness within you. As the Moon begins to light up the sky making a twinkle in your eye. That shows the strength with in you. The dampened grounded beneath your feet gives you the tingles. Wondering how it would feel just to touch her hand. The moon is full as is your heart. What are you to do with this first move tonight? You place a blanket down and lay beside her. As the sun rises you place your hand in hers as this was your first touch of the night. As you whisper to her. "Looking into the sky was like looking into your eyes " the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for tonight and softly kissed her. The sun has risen and hearts has been shared my story of love has just begun. As the world today takes it day by day just remember there is room for romantic nights.
What You Do To Me

The site just made me blush my body became numb my words became tongue tied. What is a person to do when all they do is think of you. Your in my mind twenty four sevens all I want to do is slowly embrace you with a hot passionate kiss. By the the time the kiss is over volcanoes would be going off and my hands may be softly touching your face and for once I could be enjoying the embracing kiss that I wanted to have with you.
Hot Kiss

I was sitting there our eyes just met it was like heaven.
It felt like the sky was falling. He sat beside me he placed
his hand on my thigh. My panties instantly got wet as I kept
my eyes on his. He leaned in for a kiss it was untouchable our
tongues met for the first time. Dancing around our mouths like
no one was around slowly our tongues was going in and out
nibbling on one another's bottom lips and slowly feeling one
another's passion within the kiss I place my hand upon his
face as I felt his hand go up further on my thigh. As our lips
softly touched every inch of one another not missing a inch
it was the softest but greatest kiss I have ever had as he
made his way to the side of my neck nibbling on my ear
and neck as I grabbed his face and wanted another kiss
What a hot kiss .... As we kept going the night got hotter ..
Want a kiss ??

As I wander this big world all alone. I wonder what
I should be looking for to fulfill the emptiness within my soul.
As I let my feet lead the way. My eyes see many others souls.
Some full of joy some heartbroken but the one thing I do know
when you look deep enough you will see the best in everyone.
So look deep into my eyes and you will see my heart is not full
of emptiness it is full of caring, loving and kindness as is yours if
you just let it. Just open your arms and let someone else in and
you will see how much more your heart can open once you
open your heart you will enjoy your happiness much more. A
kiss is just not a kiss its much more passionate and sex is just
not sex its much more intimant so look within yourself and
find yourself and once you do that you can find happiness anywhere.
A Wish

If I was to have one wish I would have to say I would wish for the power to feel someone else's feelings other then my own to see what others feel and see through their eyes for one day willing to love or hate in someone else's eyes would be so challenging and make you wonder if your life is all that bad or is it just what you make it out to be so as I make this journey through life I might say life is what you make it and the challenges in life is just a few bumps in the road to make you stronger its up to you to make the challenge harder by chosen what you want to do and where you want to go so take a minutes and look beside you and look through that persons eyes do you think their life is easier then yours ??? If you said yes ... Just remember your the one who set the path for yourself ...
The Mirror

Reaching out to touch your face I feel the softness
that makes me lucky to feel the love with in your soul
looking into your eyes is like glancing into a room full of
explosives full of compassion and faith that most don't have
glancing at a full view mirror of myself is seeing the whole
package confidence, determination, and fearlessness as I
take a glance one more time into this full leanth mirror I see me. I smile and I must say what a smile :) Do you have enough confidence to glance into the mirror with me?

Looking into your eyes can make my heart melt.
A touch of your body against mine can make a earthquake.
A kiss from your lips can set a fire.
Making love to you can make the room go round and round.
And haven this dance with you just swept me off my feet.

As I lay here all alone the sky so dark and dreams so big.
Wondering what life is to bring me next so excited so full of
passion with one glance of this full moon tonight never knowing
where you will be next but knowing in your heart who ever
comes in my life will be lucky as I will be lucky to have them.
As the sun rises the smile shines its another day to find someone
to explore this huge world with me.

As the moon is about to rise our mood sets for desires.
Our minds wonder our body tingles. As we begin to fondle one another body.And set the night on a roller coaster ride of pleasure. Many orgasmic moaning as hands touch in many places ones mind has only gone. Then you turn and notice no one is even in bed with you. Want to play in my dreams?
Eyes So Blue

As you stand there in front of me. Your back turned. I reach out to touch you
my hand shivering my heart pounding. I want you so bad but cant have you. You turn
our eyes meet. You see me reaching out it was like a wonderland of stars when I see your
eyes so dark so blue what am I to do. as I stood there just staring at you. My mind wondering
where we will be in a few as I ask may I have this dance with you?
Me & You

When our eyes meet its like looking into the sky full of stars
never ending fulfilling every dream I ever had. As our lips finally reach for our
first kiss its a explosion of fireworks that is never ending. Our tongues dancing
around are hands exploring one another's body. It was the first time I felt the
ground beneath me move as I placed my hands up on ones face for another kiss
so soft so sensual our bodies caressing into one another so soft so hot as the room
was spinning around me the kiss was much more deadly but I couldn't stop I wanted
those lips on every part of my body. This is what you do to me. One touch one kiss
makes my body shiver makes my panties wet all I want is you to touch every part of
my body with those lips of yours starting with a soft long kiss. As your hands touch each and every part of me along the way. As I ask myself is it the touch or the kiss that has made me fall for you?
A soft touch of the lips
becomes a soft touch to the skin
which then becomes a soft kiss that may lead
to me and you in the back bedroom
touching and kissing from one set of your soft lips
to another set lips as the night gets darker the touch gets
harder and the touch gets wetter see what a soft kiss leads to
wanna kiss ????