Shes a Baby Herself

I was only 15 still a baby Myself
I lived a life of sadness always
thinking of dying. Life seemed so
dark, tears never stopped, my mind
never quits thinking, yet it was
the pressure of others that made
me go over the edge.
I find someone to love me
A love that finally means
more then go get this and do that.
yet not the best of all men. No
job, into some other things but
yet in my eyes he is the best.
Why should someone else choose
what is best for me? When life
is all about learning lessons.
I end up pregnant inspite
of what others might say. Still
in heartache do to home life.
yet running away in my heart and mind.
pushing and pushing my family further
and further away. And they can't figure
out why.
As people pressure me over and over
again as I push them away further
and further. they seem not to realize
that the hate will come in many ways.
runaway, taken My own life, or deep
deep depression that will keep me locked
away, no doctor no person on earth can
heal the tears or heartache. it seems your
trying to live your life in my dreams without
taken a chance in believing in me the one
that is crying out saying just let me go a little
so take a look at what your doing
I may be 16 now on my birthday
I place my head upon this pillow
I may never wake up tomorrow
do to the pressure and heartache you
have placed upon me. Life is about
learning not doing, not taken from.
You will take my life and life although
you will not take the person within. Life
is to short for this. I bless my child with
freedom of choices yet with strength's and
wisdom, and guide them through their choices.
My heartache races for where I will go. My tears
lead me to the path I must leave here.
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