Savanah's Playhouse of Poems

Home of short poems

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pain Of One

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I sit here all alone pondering on the things that are on my mind wondering
if things are ever going to be. People sit and judge people for the things that
they were raised for in life, for the color of their skin, their sexuality, or their handicap. As I sit here I try to think how others think although in my heart I just can't feel that low. wondering if this world would ever fix the pain of others. Tears become anger. anger becomes fear we all see the pain within ones eyes as we grasp the heartache from ones face we try to comfort them in ones arm but then again its the one that judges that walks away trying to figure his own pain. Sadly hes all alone none to judge but himself as he walks toward the crowd wanting that comfort he was once offered to fulfill his pain inside.


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