Tears of love

When I try to reach out
Its reaching for air
I come searching for you
Its like looking for a ghost
You hear my voice but choose
not to listen to my cries
You hold my hand
Yet let go before saying goodbye
You kiss my lips
As it means nothing to you
I place my hands around you
Yet you push me away
My heart is screaming
Even when you don't want to hear it
My tears seem to be pouring
like rain upon my face
Although you will not wipe them
As I place my face upon your
My smile has turned upside down
My love has vanished
My soul is crushed
Once again you took my
Heart and crushed my soul
I may love you now
But tomorrow is always
Another day as I say goodbye
This one last time
Alicia Dunning 7-11-07
At January 12, 2011 at 8:20 PM,
Unknown said…
I really like you poems...
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