Savanah's Playhouse of Poems

Home of short poems

Monday, April 23, 2007

Take A Step Back

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Sometimes I wounder how I pick my friends. Do they come to me for a reason. Such as teaching me things? I take a step back and look around myself and see who is my friends. I wounder who are the fake ones, who are the users, or who are the ones that are honestly my friend. You learn alot in this world from seeing what friends do to you good and bad. Not only alot of pain comes from so called friends and family using you and abusing you in ways that you don't see then thats when you realize it. You take the step back and don't realize what to do. Till you lose that friend all the way but maybe its better to lose a friend that will betray you then be honest and true. Friends come and go but your ability to withhold your own confidence and who you are is with in you so take the step back and see who you really want as your friends AND WHO YOU REALLY ARE THE USER OR A FRIEND... ?????


  • At July 9, 2007 at 6:31 AM, Blogger hamdoon_2003 said…

    hello savanahrose
    realy i like wt u write & its very nice olso i like u r profile
    u r olso so swetti so hop to be frind 4 ever if that you need best frind im so far but we can olso be frindly 4 ever if un ot mind
    hop that from u r heart
    so ill wait you on
    we can chat im not very good english but i can dont think lol
    tac care u r self
    c ya :-*


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